Simpozionul Național Constantin Noica, Ediția a XVI-a „Povestiri despre om…” (26-29 septembrie 2024)
About Studies in the History of World Philosophy | |||||||||
Description and aims The Series Studii de istorie a filosofiei universale (SIFU; Studies in the History of World Philosophy) is an academic publication dedicated to the study of the history of philosophical ideas and to the reflection on the status of the history of philosophy as a fundamental philosophical discipline. The Series publishes essays on significant topics in the history of philosophy, as well as translations of fundamental philosophical works relevant for specific thematic volumes. SIFU has been founded and edited from the beginning by the Institute of Philosophy (later the Institute of Philosophy and Psychology ‘Constantin Rădulescu-Motru’) of the Romanian Academy, appearing in Romanian in print since 1969 and both in print and online since 2022. The Series publishes thematic issues, the topic being announced at the beginning of the year. (See Next Issues). Volumes may also contain non-thematic sections.
Editors: | |||||||||
CLAUDIU BACIU scientific researcher I, The Institute of Philosophy and Psychology “Constantin Rădulescu-Motru” of the Romanian Academy | |||||||||
TINCA PRUNEA-BRETONNET scientific researcher III, The Institute of Philosophy and Psychology “Constantin Rădulescu-Motru” of the Romanian Academy | |||||||||
ION TĂNĂSESCU scientific researcher I, The Institute of Philosophy and Psychology “Constantin Rădulescu-Motru” of the Romanian Academy | |||||||||
Web editing: Victor Emanuel Gica | |||||||||
Frequency Studies in the History of World Philosophy is issued once a year. What do we publish Studies in the History of World Philosophy publishes original research based on a wide variety of methods. Historical, comparative, analytical, hermeneutic or phenomenological approaches are equally of interest. Studies in the History of World Philosophy does not publish ad hominem and ideologically biased arguments. Studies in the History of World Philosophy encourages contributions from professionals in related fields and is especially interested in involving postgraduate students in discussing the announced topics. Studies in the History of World Philosophy‘s main language is Romanian. Since 2023 the series also accepts for publication articles in English, French and German. For more information, see also Instructions for Authors. Target audience The target readership consists primarily of professionals and students in the field of philosophy, but not exclusively. Depending on the topic, the publication is also addressed to readers of humanistic and social literature. Open access policy The Series Studii de istorie a filosofiei universale embraces the principles of open science and actively contributes to it by granting unrestricted open access to all its published content. The publication operates on a non-profit basis and is fully funded by its publishers. As a result, readers have free access to all articles without any charges for article processing, submission, or other fees imposed on the authors. Studii de istorie a filosofiei universale adheres to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, as stated by COPE, DOAJ, OASPA and WAME. Regarding copyrights and licenses, starting from Volume 31 (2023), articles published in Studii de istorie a filosofiei universale are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0). This license permits the sharing and adaptation of licensed material in any medium and format for non-commercial purposes, given that proper citation of the original work, linking to the license, and indicating any modifications are fulfilled. The license also allows for immediate free access to the work and permits any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose. Authors retain the copyright to their articles published in Studii de istorie a filosofiei universale, and they have the freedom to maintain publishing rights without any restrictions. Authors are strongly encouraged to preserve the published version of their work in institutional repositories and on their personal websites. Upon submitting their articles to Studii de istorie a filosofiei universale, authors consent to licensing their work under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license. This grants the publishers of Studii de istorie a filosofiei universale the license to publish the articles in the Series and attribute the Series as the original source of publication. The editors and publishers have the right to store the articles in the publicly accessible electronic archive of the Series and in any repositories that house the articles from the Series, without requiring explicit consent from the authors, provided that the obligations stated by the CC BY-NC 4.0 license are met. | |||||||||
Submitted manuscripts are double peer reviewed, one of the referees being a member of the Editorial Board. The authors should ensure that their text is submitted in its final form. The Editors may offer feedback to the authors and suggest changes in order to improve the content, clarity and/or the quality of expression of the manuscript. Page-proofs will be supplied, but only errors in typesetting may be corrected at this stage. Proofs should be corrected and returned within 7 days. Authors should submit three hard copies of their manuscript along with a digital copy in Microsoft Word and an abstract in English, as well as their CV, email and postal address, and institutional affiliation (complete address). Two of the three copies should have all self-references deleted. Manuscripts are expected to propose an original content and to not have been previously published. No manuscript will be considered for publication if it is under consideration by another journal or publishing house. Articles should be edited according to the style guidelines of the Romanian Academy. References should conform to the following format: SIFU - Citation Style | |||||||||
CONTACT | |||||||||